Feinberg Consulting Wishes You a Merry Christmas
May your Christmas be wrapped in joy, tied with love, and sealed with the warmth of family. 🎁❤️
7125 Orchard Lake Rd, Ste 110, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 | 6274 Linton Blvd, Ste 101 Delray Beach, FL 33484
May your Christmas be wrapped in joy, tied with love, and sealed with the warmth of family. 🎁❤️
Not all treatment centers are created equal. It’s important to find the right fit and searching the internet is not the most effective way to do it. In our years of experience, vetting treatment centers, we have found that there are a lot of misleading advertising lines. We have spent many years vetting and qualifying…
To the heartbeat of healing, Happy Valentine’s Day. May your journey be filled the embrace of a brighter tomorrow. 🌅💖 #happyvalentinesday #valentinesmagic #sweetmoments #virtualhugs #feinbergcare
The prevalence of vaping has become a subject of concern in recent times, with many individuals perceiving it as a harmless alternative to other habits. However, the misconception that vaping is a healthy substitute has led to a lack of awareness about its potential risks, especially among parents of young adults. Dispelling Misinformation: One prevalent…
You’ve been through the wringer. You’re finally clear that your loved one has a problem and needs help. But now, you are confused and stressed. You might have questions like: What do I do? Who do I call? What’s my next step? People in your situation usually turn to the Internet as a first step…
Supporting an adult child who is struggling with drug abuse or alcohol abuse or a mental health crisis can be a challenging and delicate situation. Recognizing the difference between a healthy relationship versus unhealthy caregiving and codependency is essential. Here are some things that can you in creating and maintaining a healthy relationship with your…
Many years ago, when we started doing interventions and helping families find quality treatment facilities for addiction, through our research and vetting process, we found that there were providers who advertised certain features of their programs online in a misleading way. Their website had beautiful pictures of their facility, with palm trees and the beach…