Your College Kid is Home for the Summer? Is it Time for an Expectation Reset?
They’ve been away from home for what seems like a long time. Then they come back, and you start noticing changes. Is now the time to do an “expectation reset”? While away at college, your child has had the freedom of being an adult without all the responsibilities. This situation can be tricky to navigate when returning to the home environment. Old rules and boundaries may not be appropriate anymore, so new ones must be created. Talk about things like curfew, house chores, etc. It’s important to set clear expectations and have agreements. You can create this new structure with them, giving them a say in the process so that it’s collaborative and gives them a voice. Our family coaches at Feinberg Consulting have a lot of experience working with families to come up with strategies that align families and give all involved a voice towards a shared outcome.
Here’s an article with summer success tips for parents.