
Blurred man in black shirt

Is It A Mental Health Condition … Or Something Else?

The term “mental health problem” is similar to the term “injury” in that there are multiple types, severities, and treatments for each. Just like doctors treat a sprained ankle differently than they treat a broken ankle, mental health professionals don’t treat mild depression the same way they treat severe depression. There’s an important difference between…

Group of people having a toast with glasses of alcohol

The Difference Between Alcoholism and Heavy Drinking

Alcoholism is widely misunderstood because it functions differently than most diseases. People with Type-2 Diabetes, for example, are asked at a minimum to remove problematic foods from their diets. When they do this, they get better. The cure for alcoholism isn’t as simple as “stopping the drinking.” With real alcoholism, removing alcohol from a person’s…

Black and white photo of an ambulance and an EMT
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Disability Rating Scale for Traumatic Brain Injuries

The Disability Rating Scale (DRS) was developed in the late 1970s by M. Rappaport as a more accurate alternative to the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), which was thought to be insensitive in assessing Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The Disability Rating Scale was established and tested with older juvenile and adult individuals with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury…