
Two people sitting at a table discussing something

How We Help Families Choose the Best Drug Addiction Treatment Facility

Choosing the right treatment facility is one of the most important decisions a family can make for a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction or a mental health disorder. It’s also one of the most challenging decisions for a family to navigate. In the last decade, addiction has become a…

Close up of someone writing in a notebook

Creating a Yes: The Importance of an Intervention Letter

The advice has become exceedingly popular: “write a letter.” In a time of struggle or confusion, many therapists, coaches, and teachers often advise this practice to help people get clear on things. Sometimes the letter is written to another person; sometimes it’s written to a younger or older self. Since these letters are rarely shared,…

Dog sitting in a field

Therapy Animals – The Different Types and Their Benefits

Animals serve as amazing companions, loyal protectors, and, for some, they can even save your life. There are many different ways in which an animal can support those with mental or physical disabilities. Provided below are three main areas in which animals can enrich your life and provide you necessary assistance, love, and support. Emotional…

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Google Sets Limits on Addiction Treatment Ads, Citing Safety

When people need information, they usually turn to Google, the world’s largest search engine. In an article published by the New York Times, Google acknowledged that it may not be the best resource to utilize when looking for addiction treatment resources, citing consumer safety concerns. Treatment providers have paid up to $70 per ad click,…