
An Intervention is About Interrupting Someone’s Unhealthy Behavior

An Intervention is About Interrupting Someone’s Unhealthy Behavior

It may be an addiction intervention; it may be a drinking, alcohol, or substance use intervention; it may be a drug intervention, another kind of crisis intervention. We do this mainly through communication. It’s about communicating your fears, the things you have seen and experienced, your hope, and a direct ask for them to accept…

How to Protect Your Kids From Cyberbullying, Online Harassment Predators, and Dangerous Websites

How to Protect Your Kids From Cyberbullying, Online Harassment Predators, and Dangerous Websites

When we were kids, bullying mostly happened at school or in the neighborhood. Back then, it was easier for parents to spot trouble as we were usually out playing all day. They didn’t hear from us until dinner, and nobody was too worried. If a problem arose, there was a quick discussion with another parent,…

Drawing Parallels Between Martin Luther King and the Path to Recovery

Drawing Parallels Between Martin Luther King and the Path to Recovery

January 15th was Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King was a person who was at the heart of monumental achievements and profound transformations. He was steadfast with an unwavering commitment. A symbol of dedication and change, he transcended boundaries. When we explore the essence of commitment, we can draw parallels between the commitment displayed by…