Addiction Recovery

Recovery coach's guide to the holidays image
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A Recovery Coach’s Guide To Navigating Substance Abuse During The Holidays

The holiday season is a special time. However you celebrate, it’s a time of year synonymous with joy and memories with family and friends. And it can also be a difficult time for some people: particularly those who are in recovery. Gatherings and events with alcohol can be a new experience for people who are…

Group of people having a toast with glasses of alcohol

The Difference Between Alcoholism and Heavy Drinking

Alcoholism is widely misunderstood because it functions differently than most diseases. People with Type-2 Diabetes, for example, are asked at a minimum to remove problematic foods from their diets. When they do this, they get better. The cure for alcoholism isn’t as simple as “stopping the drinking.” With real alcoholism, removing alcohol from a person’s…

Holiday photo of a white poinsettia

Tips for Recovery & Preventing Relapse During the Holidays

Let’s be honest: the holidays can be a stressful time. Gathering together all the pieces of a festive celebration requires a lot of work. Yet, for individuals in various stages of recovery, the holidays aren’t just a stressful time—they can be hazardous to recovery. We’ve compiled some tips for staying sober and getting the support…