General Interest

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Google Sets Limits on Addiction Treatment Ads, Citing Safety

When people need information, they usually turn to Google, the world’s largest search engine. In an article published by the New York Times, Google acknowledged that it may not be the best resource to utilize when looking for addiction treatment resources, citing consumer safety concerns. Treatment providers have paid up to $70 per ad click,…

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5 Ways to Help Someone Struggling With a Mental Health Condition

Research shows that approximately 1 in 5 adults suffers from a mental health condition, and only 44% of those individuals seek some form of treatment.¹ With this being the case, there is a great chance you know someone who is currently struggling with a mental health condition of some kind. Taking the time to acknowledge…

Pam Feinberg-Rivkin meeting with a client

Celebrating 20 Years with Founder and CEO Pam Feinberg-Rivkin

This year marks Feinberg Consulting’s 20th anniversary. In honor of this remarkable milestone, we sat down with Pam Feinberg-Rivkin, Founder, and CEO, as she reflects on the past 20 years of the company’s growth, success, and hope she has provided to over 2,000 families facing challenging life events and transitions. This year we celebrate Feinberg Consulting’s…

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Words and Meaning: The Power of Writing for Caregivers

Caregiving can be a challenging job. Whether you are a caregiver for a loved one, or it is your profession, it can at times be overwhelming when someone needs assistance with getting through daily tasks. Caregivers also have to be attuned to carefully watching their clients or family members for any signs of a serious medical…

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6 Tips for Returning Home Safely from the Hospital

Being released from the hospital is (normally) a good thing, but it can also be a surprisingly dangerous and stressful transition. A person leaving a hospital and returning to their home is moving from a very controlled and sterile environment into one that isn’t designed for an injured or ill person. Here are some important…

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Real Life Care Management

When you hear the words “Care Manager,” what comes to mind? Do you think of doctors, nurses, physical therapists? All of these people are part of the caretaking process, but they are not necessarily Care Managers. A Care Manager coordinates the doctors, nurses, insurance companies, attorneys, residences, home care agencies, hospitals, and equipment companies, along…