
What Is an Intervention?

What Is an Intervention?

When we think of substance use disorders, we tend to focus on the individual living with the disorder, how it affects them, and the negative consequences caused to their lives. But addiction affects more people than we may think. If a loved one or family member is actively engaging in problematic substance abuse, the negative…

Things You Need to Know Before Planning Intervention With Family Member

Things You Need to Know Before Planning Intervention With Family Member

It is a painful and difficult experience to watch a family member suffer from an addiction. The disease can cause changes within the brain that alter an individual’s behaviors and actions. This means that individuals often cannot realize and accept that they are living with a problem. You want to offer support and help but…

Symptoms of Suicidal Teenager, Suicidal Signs in Teens
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Symptoms of Suicidal Teenager, Suicidal Signs in Teens

What is Teen Suicide? Childhood and adolescence carry challenges that can be hard to manage. This time is full of major change, identity questions, pressures to fit in, and bullying. There can sometimes be too much to handle, resulting in feelings of being overwhelmed, depression, and, in extreme cases, suicidal thoughts. Teen suicide is where…