Happy Father’s Day 2024

Happy Father’s Day! 🌟 Celebrating all the devoted dads who guide and inspire us. Your strength and wisdom are invaluable. Enjoy a day of relaxation and appreciation! 💙
#FathersDay #FeinbergConsulting #CelebratingDads
7125 Orchard Lake Rd, Ste 308, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 | 6274 Linton Blvd, Ste 101 Delray Beach, FL 33484
Happy Father’s Day! 🌟 Celebrating all the devoted dads who guide and inspire us. Your strength and wisdom are invaluable. Enjoy a day of relaxation and appreciation! 💙
#FathersDay #FeinbergConsulting #CelebratingDads
What comes up for you when you hear “Codependent”? Is a person a Codependent/Enabler, or does that person have what has been termed more recently “Self-Love Deficient Disorder”? It may make a difference on whether someone feels shame or remorse versus identification of what you need to have self-love and recovery. Codependency was coined in…
May your Christmas be wrapped in joy, tied with love, and sealed with the warmth of family. 🎁❤️
When a catastrophic accident occurs—whether it’s a severe injury, a life-changing illness, or something that completely changes the course of someone’s life—the focus is often on the immediate physical recovery. But what about everything else? The mental, emotional, and social toll these events take on individuals and their families can be just as profound, and…
Most people see an intervention as a process that mainly involves conflict or confrontation. They worry that if they confront their loved one, their worst fears might come true. They worry their loved one might get angry and cut them off entirely. They might feel like they are betraying their loved one, almost like they’re…
Addiction is regarded as cunning, baffling, and powerful. Anyone who has loved an addict or has been in the grips of addiction themselves would agree. One of the most devastating addictions, addiction to opioids, is on the rise, and the statistics are alarming. Overdose rates and deaths have been on the rise and are the…
When was the last time you Googled something and the answer you read turned out to be completely false? We’ve all been there. Sometimes a Google search yields some pretty inaccurate results, and unfortunately, those results can really cause damage. The stigma around many addiction myths continues to be potent and can truly prevent someone from…