How To Be The Hero In Your Own Life
What happens to all the dreams and big ideas we had as children? It’s something we all think about from time to time, and it’s something that’s been on my mind a lot recently.
In the last few months at Feinberg Consulting, we’ve seen a significant increase in the number of clients who are requesting our coaching services. Previously, the bulk of our coaching services complemented our main service lines: particularly our Addiction & Mental Health Services. For example, we offer specialized Recovery Coaching for both individuals and families we are supporting through the initial stages of the addiction recovery process.
What we’re seeing recently, however, is the desire of the individuals who were receiving Recovery Coaching to continue on with Life Coaching, our more generalized form of success coaching. We’re also seeing more people come to us specifically for Life Coaching, and we’ve been working with a growing number of therapists who are referring clients to us for Life Coaching services as a way to bolster accountability and follow through.
You might be wondering, what exactly is Life Coaching? Maybe the simplest way to answer the question is to tell you about a book a friend gifted me for my children, What Do You Do with an Idea? by Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom. It speaks of a young child and his journey of what to do with his brilliant idea.
In the book, he does what all of us have done before. Being fearful of what others might think of his idea, he hides from it and pretends it doesn’t exist (the best-selling book beautifully depicts these moments). But eventually, he also does what all of us want to do; he cultivates the idea and brings it to life in a very special way.
One of the key ingredients for success is often just one person saying, “Yes, you can do that,” or, “Yes, that’s possible.” When this self-belief is matched with a plan, the dreams and big ideas we had as children can have a chance to come to life.
When we get off track in life, what happens many times is that the self-limiting beliefs we have about ourselves creep in and pull us away from our dream. We are often told by others that our dream is unrealistic and that the thing we want is impossible. Despite our efforts to fight back, we can start to gather evidence against our dream as failures mount.
Eventually, we can let go of our dream or idea. For some people, it can simply hurt too much to hold on to the dream any longer. As the child from What Do You Do with an Idea? learned, however, just because we try to forget an idea doesn’t mean it’s not there.
At Feinberg Consulting, we believe that it’s possible for people to move through their limiting beliefs and connect, or reconnect, with the dreams, ideas, and goals they’ve tried to forget. We also believe that it’s never too late to start creating new dreams and new goals. When people do that, they not only change their lives – they change the lives of those around them. They ultimately change the world.
When I speak with my coaching clients about their dreams and goals, they’re often hesitant to share at first. This is something I can relate to as well. In reevaluating my dreams and goals several years ago, I was challenged by the thought that my dream needed to be something really big or innovative.
What I now know is that “changing the world” doesn’t require a once-in-a-generation idea. As a mother of two young children, it’s my dream to help my children be their greatest selves. In being their greatest self, they make an impact on the world; I make an impact on the world. It’s something I’m lucky to be able to do every day.
Some days I do a great job, and other days I don’t, but I’m always doing my best. The important thing is not how quickly or easily we achieve our goals; it’s that we continue to move toward them. And if we do that, we’ll do amazing things. Heroic things, some might say.

Kristen Byrne
Vice President of Addiction & Mental Health Services