mental health

Young man sitting in a room alone looking sad
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Managing Stress and Anxiety During Uncertain Times

We have been living in unpredictable and stressful times as the COVID-19 virus approached and reached global pandemic status. The effect of the virus has impacted people and communities in many different ways. Many have been asked or ordered, to stay home, work from home, and now children are distance learning. Normal routines like grocery…

Blurred man in black shirt

Is It A Mental Health Condition … Or Something Else?

The term “mental health problem” is similar to the term “injury” in that there are multiple types, severities, and treatments for each. Just like doctors treat a sprained ankle differently than they treat a broken ankle, mental health professionals don’t treat mild depression the same way they treat severe depression. There’s an important difference between…

Close up of two cars that have been in an accident
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Car Accidents and PTSD: How To Treat Accident Trauma

When many of us think about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), our attention may turn towards military veterans. Service men and women are regularly faced with challenges that can be life-threatening, and even when not in direct combat, the stress of the military can take an enormous toll. However, PTSD can also affect people involved…