substance abuse

Teenagers in a support group

Signs of Substance Abuse in Teenagers 

Since addiction is a progressive disease, it can be difficult to identify substance use in teenagers. Unhealthy patterns can develop into substance use disorder if left untreated. It’s important to communicate with your children frequently so that you know their passions, interests, and hobbies. This will help you recognize the early warning signs of addiction,…

Recovery coach's guide to the holidays image
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A Recovery Coach’s Guide To Navigating Substance Abuse During The Holidays

The holiday season is a special time. However you celebrate, it’s a time of year synonymous with joy and memories with family and friends. And it can also be a difficult time for some people: particularly those who are in recovery. Gatherings and events with alcohol can be a new experience for people who are…

Two people sitting at a table discussing something

How We Help Families Choose the Best Drug Addiction Treatment Facility

Choosing the right treatment facility is one of the most important decisions a family can make for a loved one who is struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction or a mental health disorder. It’s also one of the most challenging decisions for a family to navigate. In the last decade, addiction has become a…